Sophomore Year – Quarter 2

This quarter was rough, to say the least. I fought a lot with my mental health and I would like to say I won but I also know that is not the case. It has been a constant battle that I have fought for years but something about this time was just harder. I was lucky to have the classes I did because they were fairly easy and they worked with me very well. Another challenge I faced this quarter was going through my second round of covid. It did not hit me as hard as it did the first time but it still sucked being isolated from everyone and everything. This took a toll on my mental health as well. I spent some time hospitalized for my mental health and I am proud of myself for getting through that on the other side. The C I chose for this quarter is character because I had a lot of character growth. I learned a lot about myself and how to help myself, as well as being able to handle a bunch of different things at once. Below I have attached a picture of me and my friend Emma from Halloween night, which was memorable in the best ways possible. 🙂