Junior Year – Quarter 2

Over Quarter Two, the main C that I used was Creative Thinking. I was enrolled in the College Now class, College Composition. Comp. was one heck of a ride for me. There were 60-80 word vocabulary tests each week as well as different grammar tests each week. There were four total papers that we wrote in the span of 9 weeks, and it was just a huge impact on my mental health. Last year I struggled with my mental health a lot as well, so it was helpful to already have gained skills and ways to deal with the emotions I was feeling. The hardest part of Comp. for me was the final paper, Stylistics. Grammar was not my strongest suit in the class, so I was genuinely terrified that I would not pass the class. I did pass the class in the end, but hardly. My artifact for this quarter is the paper itself. The paper shows my improvement in writing over the quarter, as well as my improvement in being able to identify different aspects of grammar. I chose Critical Thinking out of my six C’s because of the critical thinking I had to use to reach that level of knowledge that I did. There was more I could have done inside of the class, but I am happy with where it ended up in the end.

Stylistics Paper