My Life

My name is Addisen Leigh Rice. I am currently 17 years old and in my Junior Year of high school. I will graduate next year in 2024 and this page is all about me!

I was born in Illinois to my parents Josh and Katrina Rice. They were both young at the time, in their mid to early twenties, and I was their first child. My mom worked as a camp counselor at a summer camp and my dad worked with Country Finacial. I do not remember this time in my life, but I remember a few years later when my little sister, Bella, entered the picture. She was born in 2009 and has basically been my built-in best friend ever since. Of course, we have had our moments, but I could not have asked for a better little sister. We eventually moved to a small town in Colorado and before I knew it, I had a little brother named Caelan in late 2011. Caelan and I have not gotten along the best and I think it is due to the age difference. However, I love him and he is perfect to me.

After a couple of years, we decided to move to Minnesota. I was entering my fourth-grade year and I was so excited! I was the new girl and I got all of the attention. However, after a couple of months, I was just like everyone else. When I got into middle school, I was attending John Adams but I felt like I did not fit in. A lot of people were into things that I was not, like drugs and vaping. I ended up leaving JA in the middle of my seventh-grade year and became homeschooled for a year. I loved being homeschooled. I got to sleep in, do my homework when I wanted, and basically just be a couch potato. However, it did not last long because pretty soon into my eighth-grade year, I found myself walking the halls of Byron middle school.

I found peace and love within the walls of Byron. I met people that are amazing and met the people I hope will stick in my life forever. I have been at Byron now for almost three years and the ups and downs are nothing I would ever exchange. In high school, things of course got rough but I was able to learn what I want my life to be like. For example, I learned how interested I am in anatomy and art classes vs gym and chemistry classes. I have learned how to take care of my mental health and who makes me truly happy. I have learned my values and learned to stick to them. I even learned my identity in Christ, which I am forever grateful for.

I do not have much else to share about myself other than you just have to get to know me. I seem different to outsiders than I do to my close friends. Some people know me from when I was at my worst, while others know me from when I was at my best. No matter when anyone met me or when I met them, my life and who I am was impacted by them. This was all learned at Byron High School.