Accel English 10A: 9/11 Interview

  1. What did I learn from this project?

The 9/11 interview essay opened my eyes to how the horrible event that occurred before I was even born affected people all over the world. I have always heard stories about the collision that day, but it didn’t really affect me because I was not around when all of this was happening. My parents and I have talked about it briefly before, but this project helped my realize how much these acts of terrorism changed people. I interviewed my mom for this assignment, and she was living in India in 2001. I also learned how 9/11 affected people all over the world, and not just people in America.

  1. What did I do well? What aspect of my writing am I proud of in this piece?

 I think I explained other people’s perspective pretty well in this assignment. I was able to get a unique view on these attacks through my mom, and I think I did a good job of explaining the way she felt in the days surrounding 9/11. I was lucky to be able to interview someone like this, who was not directly in the center of all the commotion during this time.

  1. What aspect of the writing did I struggle with during the process? Why?

Out of everything, I struggled with finding a way to tell my mother’s story without using too many direct quotes. I had to include my own thoughts and paraphrase throughout the essay, which took a while to get used to. However, once I got the hang of it, I think I was able to record her perspective pretty well.

  1. What would I do differently if I could do it again?

If I were to redo this assignment, I would have started writing it earlier. I interviewed my mom four days before starting to write. If this gap was shorter, I might have been able to include more details because it would have been more fresh in my mind. I also wish I had more time, because I would have gone back and asked her more questions to make my writing better.