Personal Goals

Creating goals is important to give you a starting point and a destination to reach. It is important that you create goals that clarify what you desire to do, the importance of pursuing them, and you are able to make them happen.

The SMART Goals method helps push you further, gives you a sense of direction, and helps you organize and reach your goals
(optional reading)

Make a copy of this Smart Goal Worksheet to create your goals.  Transfer the goals, to this page.

My Long-Term and Short-Term SMART Goals

Long-term personal goal(s)  – What I hope to achieve in 3 – 5 years.

Short-Term Personal goal(s) – What I hope to achieve by the end of this quarter, semester, year to help improve the success of my long-term goals.

Action Steps to achieve my short-term goal(s)

Be sure to view and update this page yearly.