Gov n Law

  1. The artifact that I chose to write about was our supreme court cases that we presented in front of the class. We learned about a specific court case and had to find information for each side of the case. My court case was on Kahler vs Kansas. This case was about a man who was insane and was diagnosed with sever depression and anxiety. He was not a very mentally stable man and he killed his two teen daughter, his wife, and his mother in law. He was given the definition of insanity defense.
  2. While working on this project i felt most successful at the point of researching and having good information that backed us up. We were able to find information on each side so that we would successfully answer any questions. We did fairly well on our responses due to the information we had and how we learned about it.
  3. The most difficult point in this project was making sure we had the right information. Such as knowing the right laws and making sure we used the correct amendments. We had to find what was used against him and flip it so that he looked like a better man. We used a lot of background of the case and found amendments and defenses that kept him safe in the state of Kansas.
  4. This connects really well with communication and creative thinking. We used a lot of communication with our partners and our peers as well. Giving this presentation really helped us be vocal and be able to share our thoughts and information about this case. It was also a lot of critical thinking by researching and putting everything into our own words. We had to make sure that we had all the right information so that our peers could know as much as possible.