Gov n Law

  1. The artifact that I chose to write about was our supreme court cases that we presented in front of the class. We learned about a specific court case and had to find information for each side of the case. My court case was on Kahler vs Kansas. This case was about a man who was insane and was diagnosed with sever depression and anxiety. He was not a very mentally stable man and he killed his two teen daughter, his wife, and his mother in law. He was given the definition of insanity defense.
  2. While working on this project i felt most successful at the point of researching and having good information that backed us up. We were able to find information on each side so that we would successfully answer any questions. We did fairly well on our responses due to the information we had and how we learned about it.
  3. The most difficult point in this project was making sure we had the right information. Such as knowing the right laws and making sure we used the correct amendments. We had to find what was used against him and flip it so that he looked like a better man. We used a lot of background of the case and found amendments and defenses that kept him safe in the state of Kansas.
  4. This connects really well with communication and creative thinking. We used a lot of communication with our partners and our peers as well. Giving this presentation really helped us be vocal and be able to share our thoughts and information about this case. It was also a lot of critical thinking by researching and putting everything into our own words. We had to make sure that we had all the right information so that our peers could know as much as possible.

Senior Math


During the course of Senior Math I was able to focus really well on the topics. I was very successful in completing all  of the topics that I need to get done each day. I was able to exceed the amounts of topics each day as well. Each day we were told to get at least 6 topics done and so I did get that many done and I would also complete more than we were asked. The learning methods were very easy to accomplish and the template really helped me with the topics. The template of ALEKS was very helpful and made me accomplish a lot. I was very happy with my results at the end of each week and very proud of how much I have grown and learned of the course of this class. While taking Senior Math there were a few things that I did not do very well in. Some of the topics were very difficult but asking for help really helped me learn more. As my percentage was increasing the topics got a lot harder than I expected. The biggest struggle in this class was the topics and these are a few I struggled with. Solving Word Problems was very difficult for me because I wasn’t able to grasp the knowledge as much with other topics. Finding Side Lengths of Rectangle was also very difficult because I didn’t get what they were asking me to do and how to do it. Overall I was able to figure out how to do these harder topics by asking for help. Overall I was very impressed with how much I have grown in the class. I would like to use this math site in the future because it helped me learn a lot more and it was fairly easy. I liked how it was set at my own pace and that I could work by myself. I wasn’t worried about falling behind because I was able to worry about myself and work with myself during this class. I will use this in the future as I go into college. I will use it at my own pace and it will help me stay updated in my math.

Critical Thinking: I used this everyday in class and I had to use it towards my math topics and questions.

Communication: I was able to get help from my teachers and peers and so I had to communicate with others to get help.


Restaurant and Food Management

  1. I have learned so many new things over this past quarter while working with my team at TT’s Tilted Tavern. We have learned how to serve, take orders, hand out food and drink, and how to cash them out. There is more than just learning how to serve we also learned a lot about there family and there business. We got to work a lot with the chefs to and teach us a lot of things that I did not know. We would use scales to measure things and learn how to make there ranch. We learned everything in that kitchen and how to do everything the right way. I would say I have grown a lot because of this opportunity and I grew even more because pf the team i got to do it with.
  2. The most enjoyable part of this opportunity and getting to working with Tara and the rest of her family and employees. I loved being able to serve her customers and getting to interact with them was very very enjoyable to me. It was really different from where I work and what I do on a normal day. Working with them has made me think changing jobs and becoming a waitress and a restaurant. I loved the interaction with people and I loved how nice and friendly everyone was.
  3. The most difficult part in working in TT’s restaurant was working in the back. While a few of us would switch off and work in the back and in the front. I realized the most difficult part is working in the kitchen. They have everything very organized and easy to access. I would always get very nervous because I didn’t wanna mess up anything or get in there way. When we would get busy they would move around so fast and I would just be kinda lost not knowing what to do because I don’t actually work there. That was the most difficult part for me because I didn’t want to cook something wrong or make them angry.
  4. This will help me out in my future a lot when the time comes to getting a new job and figuring out what I want to go to college for. Being able to have this kind of work skills can help me figure out what i want to do after high school and what I could do with this in college. I will use this to get a new job and transfer my skills to a new serving  job that pays. I could also use a lot of the information to create my own restaurant. I could go to college and get my degree and open up a restaurant of my own.
  5. While taking this class and getting to do new things that I have never done before and learning so many new things. I was amazed at the opportunity that I have gotten to take this class and work and help out our local restaurants. I have seen my self grow as a person that has bettered myself. I have seen myself grown in communication and grow as a cook. I am very happy that I was given the opportunity to do this and I am very happy with everything I have done.ImageGoogle slides link:

Sample Post – Creative Repurposing

In my 8th grade FACS class, I had the opportunity to help make the world a better place by upcycling items that might have ended up in our landfills.   Instead, I was able to upcycle pallet boards into a beautiful new table.  My team and I spent a lot of time determining what color we would have the table.  My dad, helped us put it together.  We had some challenges with the staining and had to redo a section because it go too tacky. We needed a smooth finish.  We also wanted to stage the table so that it would look nice and we would market it to potential buyers.

Below is a video of our journey.  Throughout this process, we hit a number of the POG C’s.  We had to collaborate together to build, stain, and stage a table that was going to be sold to potential buyers.  We used communication skills to share and listen to each other’s ideas and determine our final product. We also had to use communication skills to showcase our piece to an audience.  We enjoyed the opportunity to be creative and have a choice in what we would produce and our ideas would be seen and potentially bought by people in the real world.  We had challenges along the way and had to think critically on how to resolve those challenges.  And finally, I believe the artifact below showcases an element of citizenship – as we are trying to repurpose items and keep them out of our landfill.