Global studies and PE Dance video

For Global studies and PE, we did a dance video the dance we choose was the Meke. The Meke was one of the many dances that we could choose from. The dance was simple. I used communication when I collaborated with my group. We also had to do a presentation with it we had to split up the slides equally among our group. All in all this project was pretty fun.

Math escape room

In my math escape room, I used creativity when I had to choose a theme which was a little difficult. I used critical thinking to make the question at first I had zero ideas what to do but after looking at all the problems I did this year I found some but it was still hard to have them fit the theme.

I did like this project because I got to torcher and teach my parents how to do math again. We got to be creative and not have too many rules on how exactly to do it. You got to do almost anything theme you wanted to which made it hard yet fun.