Quarter 3 P.E. Reflection

The artifact I chose to do is going on walks. Once it becomes spring time I can go on walks without the worry if my hand will get cold. I really enjoy going on walks because it is relaxing, and it clears my mind. It also makes me feel like I have been productive. Walks are also a good way to workout when you have no equipment.
When I go on walks I like to take my dog, when I do that I am giving myself and my dog something to do other than sleep. I also like to go on walks with friends, when we do that we can catch up on things we need to. When I go on walks it helps my motor skills. When it helps my motor skills I become healthier and stronger.
2 of the 6 C’s I chose were critical thinking and communication. I chose these because I have to communicate with the people in the cars when I am crossing the road. It is not safe to cross the road without the people in the cars knowing when you are going to cross. I also communicate with my family when I am on a walk by myself, so they know where I am at all times.
I chose critical thinking because I think about what is the best day to go on walks, I normally think about the cars. On the weekdays I typically go on walks around 11:00am because there are less cars on the road. On weekends I typically do not go on walks because the roads are really busy. It might be difficult for me to cross the road if everyone is on them.
That is why I chose walks. They are relaxing, and calming.I end up going on an hour long walk each day in the spring and summer. I am very excited for it to become warm again so I can go on walks and get treats at McDonald’s.

Global studies and PE Dance video

For Global studies and PE, we did a dance video the dance we choose was the Meke. The Meke was one of the many dances that we could choose from. The dance was simple. I used communication when I collaborated with my group. We also had to do a presentation with it we had to split up the slides equally among our group. All in all this project was pretty fun.


Math escape room

In my math escape room, I used creativity when I had to choose a theme which was a little difficult. I used critical thinking to make the question at first I had zero ideas what to do but after looking at all the problems I did this year I found some but it was still hard to have them fit the theme.

I did like this project because I got to torcher and teach my parents how to do math again. We got to be creative and not have too many rules on how exactly to do it. You got to do almost anything theme you wanted to which made it hard yet fun.


How to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the winter

To maintain a healthy lifestyle in the cold winter months you can go outside if the weather permits. Some things you can do are build a snowman. Even though you might think this is an easy task, it really is not, when you are rolling up your snow to make the big snowball it gets pretty heavy and once you are done rolling it up you have to lift it up which is also a work out. Now I am going to tell you a little bit more on how it is good for you.


I chose this artifact because I think building a snowman was something that is fun and does not normally feel like a workout. Whenever I build a snowman it is definitely a workout just like most stuff is in the snow. All the running in the snow is hard to do so it works out your legs. That is the main reason why I chose this artifact.


Building a snowman shows ELO because you have to participate to actually get a workout in. When you don’t do that you are cold sense it is cold outside. Whenever I am outside and do not do anything it makes me really cold because I am not moving my body to heat up. That is the reason I show ELO when I am building a snowman.


The 2 C’s I use when building a snowman are collaboration and critical thinking. I use collaboration when I work on it with someone else. We split up the work so we can get it done quicker than by myself.I also use critical thinking when the snow does not stick together. I have to think of another idea to do instead, normally it is a completely different idea since you can not control how the snow works. 


Some of the aspects you can not incorporate with different aspects of my life but some of them you probably could. For example you can learn that you have to make changes to your original plan and it might be something completely different so you have to keep an open mind and let new ideas in. Some parts you might not be able to incorporate into your learning like building a snowman. You do not really need it to be a skill but a lot of little parts are good to have as a skill. That is why I chose to do the artifact of building a snowman.


String Art Project

In my string art project I used creativity to chose a font and word that fits my organization. The organization I chose was Save the Elephants. I had to make the letters smaller that the final to see how I was going to do it because I did a different font then everyone. In the end my letters were 4 inches tall and 2 1/2 inches wide.


This is my objective summary that I did to research the Save the Elephants organization. I used creativity for this by finding the pictures and adding music that I felt like fit with my organization.


This is my video I did on Save the Elephants.


In my NHD project I collaborated with Abbie S to make an exhibit. We did it on The Women’s Suffrage Movement. We made the exhibit on Canva. We also had to make a process paper talking about our process and how it went.



Addison Cichosz 


Block 4 

NHD Process Paper 


     Abbie and I talked about what we wanted to choose for our National History Day project ,we also talked to Mr.Weyers who told us to look up the women’s suffrage movement,we looked into the movement and we wanted to learn more about it. We found out that it was also called the Seneca Falls convention. We had to find a time period because it was over 100 years, we decided to choose the beginning and how it started. We figured that not many people knew about the women’s suffrage movement and all the communicating that they did, before I knew what the women’s suffrage movement was I thought that women always got to vote.


     After Mr.Weyers suggested the women’s suffrage movement we went to Google and looked it up. We found that there was a lot of information on the women’s suffrage movement, we found photographs,websites, books, and speeches. Then we started looking at the websites, at first we could not find many understandable websites, but we kept looking and we found some easy to understand websites. After we found ten websites we realized that we needed pictures, I looked for some pictures on my websites, we found plenty of images of one of my websites but, we ended up not using them all. We needed a lot more information about our topic so, we went back to the websites and we found more information. 


     Abbie and I decided to create an exhibit, we both thought about doing an exhibit right when we started the project. The first thing we did is put all of our information on a doc, we had to organize our information as well. Next we had Mrs.Salley correct our doc, we needed more information luckily Abbie had more note cards. Lastly, we wrote our final draft, Mrs.Salley had to correct that as well. Our topic fits the theme because they had to communicate throughout the movement.


     Women’s suffrage movement fits the NHD theme Communication in History: The Key to Understanding because we focused on the communication they used when planning out the movement. The women’s suffrage movement impacted history because women could vote and had a lot more privileges. If the women’s suffrage movement never happened women would not be able to vote or have an impact on the world. Throughout learning about the women’s suffrage movement, I learned that there are a lot of good websites out there but not all of them are good.


      Not only did Abbie and I learn about the women’s suffrage movement, I learned a lot about myself. I learned how to find credible sources and I also learned how to use Canva. If I could change anything about this project it would be a new topic, but this topic was fun. I want to learn something that not a lot of people know about.  Some skills I will bring with me in the future are writing. I feel like after this project I got a lot better at writing. The women’s suffrage movement was a great topic that provided a fun experience for Abbie and me.

This is Abbie and I’s exhibit we did for NHD.

Identity Unit

Doing this project was a lot of fun. I liked to see how I changed over the years like how I act, and how I look. The identity project was really fun I really liked using creativity to make something I would put in my room that shows the kinda person I am. My favorite part was definitely the identity project. Some parts I did not enjoy, like repainting it about six times because I wanted it to be perfect. I recommend that the teacher give more ideas because it took me a long time to find out an idea to do, I also would recommend more time for the book talk. I felt like I did not have enough time. I used creativity with this project for my bio poem and my identity project.

Addison bio-poem
this is my bio poem that I did for English.

Addison Identity project
This is my identity project I chose an eye because I really like drawing eyes and painting eyes.

for my Arc Gis project I focused on my dad’s  side because I know them better than my mom side.