Portrait of Lithuania

  1. In the beginning, I was filled with curiosity and excitement. There has been plenty of uncertainties when I was making the website, when it was done I was thankful to be finished.
  2. I felt most successful during this project when I was learning and engaging in learning about Lithuania.  Learning and understanding their culture makes you feel more understanding and successful.
  3. During “Part Four” of the page of making the Portrait of Lithuania, I felt overwhelmed mentally even though it was simple. I procrastinated a lot on finishing it. Once I completed it, I felt relieved.
  4. It connects with Critical Thinking because of the effort and passion you have to put into it. It takes time to learn about other places and to think about the circumstances of the country you do for the Portrait of a Nation.
  5. It connects to the real world because it shows knowing about other countries is important. It shows what places people come from, their religion, culture, home life, etc. Without this key component, people would lack an understanding of people of other religions/ places/ cultures.

Link to “Portrait of Lithuania”.

English 10A – Essay Review

In the beginning, I chose a topic I was more biased about instead of doing proper research to see the differences between 2D and 3D animation. I wrote the paper about my opinion instead of taking time to research and to find evidence that my opinion was true. I was able to improve by redoing my whole paper and actually take time to research what people actually had to say about animation and provided actual work cited. Being too prideful in your own words and feeling like you don’t need help is a big downfall. By not getting help can make things harder than they should be.

I believe my persuasion was well done in the essay for not having much evidence to go off of. I should have done my research before picking my topic since there was no evidence that 2D was better than 3D animation. I should have had people revised my paper even if I missed days where we did peer editing. By not having anyone correct my paper it was still very heavily flawed. It still needed plenty more revising which made it harder to convince people that 2D animation is superior.

By learning these skills I will remember to not act so prideful in writing papers. I will properly do my research before going first head into something because of my personal beliefs. I will also get help, by allowing people to review my paper and give me tips and advice and use it to improve my writing skills and myself. I will set aside my social anxiety and get help when I need it. My fear of talking to people gets in the way of me getting things done.

I believe my Research Essay represents Critical Thinking. By learning how to overcome my pride and bashfulness it took a lot of time to analyze myself and my paper. By analyzing what I did wrong, I learned that it was wrong to go into something headfirst without knowing what you’re doing. By knowing I did wrong I was able to fix the mistakes I needed to improve. Something like this will be applied to my daily life.

Essay: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wqEZ_NLGR0XrWos49loq4YQb-9XLZZLevQM7OXQ3S2w/edit?usp=sharing