Epic American

  1. In the process of making my poster, I was more focused on the appealing aspect of the poster. While making the poster, I drew Mr. Tibbets as the main centerpiece to make the poster eye drawing, then I added small facts below to make people convinced that Mr. Tibbets was a great American. I also added an atomic bomb for the laughs as well.
  2. I felt most successful when I was drawing Mr. Tibbets. I felt that when I could draw for my poster. I was excited, and I felt proud of myself drawing. I also felt proud of myself when I finished. It gave me experience and better anatomy practice.
  3. It was difficult for me personally to explain that my Epic American dropped an atomic bomb on Japan. Sure Mr. Tibbets is an amazing WWII veteran, however, the feeling of so many people that are just like me dying, and that is innocent makes me feel heavily empathetic.  Yet again Mr. Tibbets did it for his country and made sure no casualties were made. However, I still feel bad for those Japanese people.
  4. It connects to creativity when it comes to the poster. It allows students to branch out and be creative with the posters. I was allowed to branch out and connect my favorite hobby to the poster. It was enjoyable and made me want to think outside of the box. This project has been one of my favorite projects in history because of the chance for everyone to be creative.
  5. It gave me a better understanding of both sides. The enemy and the ally. It made me realize everyone has their own opinion on other countries and everyone is complex and different. It can lead to war sometimes because of our differences. Even today, we all have conflicts. Whether it’s Iraq V.S. North America, or with friends, or family, we all are still different.

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Lifetime Sports – Bowling Review

For my bowling video, I feel most proud of the demonstrations that I have done. It shows how much I improved from the start of the unit to the end. I believe at the beginning to the end of explaining how to go bowling, I didn’t exactly explain how to do it as well. It was rather boring for anyone who would have watched it and it was very confusing. Skills like these help you improve on how to learn how to do something and how to make you better at something then not knowing something. I believe this class, in general, helped me to learn that there are a lot of creative and fun sports in the world. By getting to experience them all gave me more fun and a creative outlook on the world.

Bowling Skills Video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/HGpkUQV8YiZpwxEc8

Sample Post – Creative Repurposing

In my 8th grade FACS class, I had the opportunity to help make the world a better place by upcycling items that might have ended up in our landfills.   Instead, I was able to upcycle pallet boards into a beautiful new table.  My team and I spent a lot of time determining what color we would have the table.  My dad, helped us put it together.  We had some challenges with the staining and had to redo a section because it go too tacky. We needed a smooth finish.  We also wanted to stage the table so that it would look nice and we would market it to potential buyers.

Below is a video of our journey.  Throughout this process, we hit a number of the POG C’s.  We had to collaborate together to build, stain, and stage a table that was going to be sold to potential buyers.  We used communication skills to share and listen to each other’s ideas and determine our final product. We also had to use communication skills to showcase our piece to an audience.  We enjoyed the opportunity to be creative and have a choice in what we would produce and our ideas would be seen and potentially bought by people in the real world.  We had challenges along the way and had to think critically on how to resolve those challenges.  And finally, I believe the artifact below showcases an element of citizenship – as we are trying to repurpose items and keep them out of our landfill.