Stats-Quarter 2

Im proud that I was able to understand the material that I was taught because I tend to struggle with math and understanding it. The most difficult part was the testing because I’m not a strong test taker and when I would have to figure out which version of statkey to use, it would be difficult for me to figure out. This connects to critical thinking and communication because you would have to use critical thinking when you would be doing your work and working out the problems. I would use communication when I would have to go up and ask questions if I needed better clarity on a certain question or part. I plan to learn from this by understanding that if i needed to take more time learn different things from a unit that I should make more time to do that and to study.

U.S. History 10

I first started this by researching about the person I had picked for this project, then I started to put her events and achievements in order and the started to place it in the form of an outline. From there I put it into the placement of my paper and practiced my speech. I feel like I had the most success with this when I was presenting my speech because I usually get really nervous when I’m presenting in front of people but this time I wasn’t as nervous as usual. The most difficult part of this project was when I was doing the research on my topic because there weren’t many different sites that had new information then what I had found from a site I had already been on. It was just a repeat of information on every website I happened to click on. This showed communication because we first had to practice our speech in front of the class and then on our own time had to practice it and make sure to get the timing right in preparation for the final speech. Then we had to present it for the last time in front of the class. Reba Whittle shows how America came together in the 1940’s because she was captured and still continued to help people and do what she went to school for to help heal those that were injured even though she was imprisoned.

Lab reflection

For the chicken alfredo lab that we had, the sauce my group was making boiled over but I’m proud that we were able to get past that and fix up the mistake and still made the recipe correctly. Some points were difficult to divide up who would do what while doing a lab and having enough stuff for everyone to be working on. Also making sure that one person wasn’t doing everything for the lab. This relates to collaboration because you are constantly working in a group for labs and so you quickly learn how to work with your group members so that you can successfully make your recipe. From this experience I plan to keep growing in the way I communicate in a group and to continue to grow in my cooking and baking abilities.

Supreme Court Simulation

  1. For this case, we started by researching our side of it to get an idea of what it was that we were arguing. We learned about each side for the Altitude Express vs Zarda case. Being for Altitudes side, we started to put together some arguments as to why we fired Zarda.
  2. The part we had the most success with was being able to go up and present it to the justices that day and being confident with the case that we had and the information that we knew.
  3. The most difficult part was when we had to figure out the arguments to present in the court simulation and to word them in a way that didn’t come out in the wrong way.
  4. It connects to communication because for this assignment, we had to work with our partner to put together a case. We also had to potentially communicate with those arguing for the other side of the case to maybe help understand it better. Along with these, we also had to be able to go in front of the class to present it in front of the “Justices” to explain our side of the trial.
  5. I think that it was helpful to see at least an idea of what a supreme court case would be like, but I think that everyone, including my groups presentation could have been put together better and organized differently.

Sample Post – Creative Repurposing

In my 8th grade FACS class, I had the opportunity to help make the world a better place by upcycling items that might have ended up in our landfills.   Instead, I was able to upcycle pallet boards into a beautiful new table.  My team and I spent a lot of time determining what color we would have the table.  My dad, helped us put it together.  We had some challenges with the staining and had to redo a section because it go too tacky. We needed a smooth finish.  We also wanted to stage the table so that it would look nice and we would market it to potential buyers.

Below is a video of our journey.  Throughout this process, we hit a number of the POG C’s.  We had to collaborate together to build, stain, and stage a table that was going to be sold to potential buyers.  We used communication skills to share and listen to each other’s ideas and determine our final product. We also had to use communication skills to showcase our piece to an audience.  We enjoyed the opportunity to be creative and have a choice in what we would produce and our ideas would be seen and potentially bought by people in the real world.  We had challenges along the way and had to think critically on how to resolve those challenges.  And finally, I believe the artifact below showcases an element of citizenship – as we are trying to repurpose items and keep them out of our landfill.

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