
My partner and I came up with our topic and we just followed the previous classes work to create ours. We already had a lot of knowledge on the topic so it didn’t take a long time to create the project. I felt the most sucess with presenting the project because we had a lot of knowledge on the topics and it made it very easy to present. I don’t think that anything was difficult when creating this artifact me and my partner were able to get it done in 40 minutes with a pretty good product overall. I connects to collaboration and critical thinking because you are working with a partner. You also have to think deeper on the topic like off the top of my head when i think of nba tickets I don’t think about the economics of them. It connects to everything in the world because economy is everywhere you look when you buy something you don’t even realize that you are contrubiting to the economy.




  1. What aspect of my artifact am I most proud of? Use specific examples.

I am most proud of my writting in the first paper. I think that this was the best paper that I wrote.  In writting this paper I was able to express myself and what I enjoyed ,so I think that that was a fun writting prompt. Looking back I think there were a few things I could have changed to make my paper flow better but overall I still enjoyed the final outcome.

2. What aspect of creating this artifact was most difficult for me? Use specific examples.

I wouldn’t really say that there was a difficult part. It was about me so it was easy to write about. I did have some challenges when doing the copy’s for the stylistics paper but that was because I didn’t know how to use all the parts of grammer that we were learning throughout the quarter.

3. How does this artifact align with one or more of the 6 C’s?

I think that this artifact aligns with critical thinky and creativty and charater. It aligns with this three because your talking about your best acheivement and you are also writting. When writting I think that if you are creative and think hard that the paper can be great.

4. How do I plan to take this learning forward? or What would I change if I created this artifact again?

The only part of my paper that I would change would be word useage and grammer. At the start of the class I didn’t know that much about phrases and things like that so now I think I could make my paper sound a lot better.  WIth the vocabulary that I learned this year I can also make my paper sound a lot smarter and more detailed.



Lifetime Sports

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What part of your project / video are you most proud of using specific examples?

I was proud of being able to learn how to bowl because before I would just normally throw the ball down the lane.
– What aspects of creating this project were difficult for you using specific examples?

I didn’t think anything about this video was difficult.

– How does completing this project / video help you with understanding WHY skills are important?
– Which area of the 6 C’s did this class help you build in most explaining how ?

I think this fits into collaboration and communication because were are bowling with someone esle so we both get to learn how to play the game together.

Sports Management



What part of your project are you most proud of using specific examples

I am proud of being able to slow down when speaking I normaly strugle when giving speeches.

– What aspects of creating this project were difficult for you using specific examples? 

I think the hardest parts where trying not to over word the slides.

– How does completing this project help you with understanding sports management? 

This projects lets you and your classmates learn about jobs that they might not have know existed before now.

– Which area of the 6 C’s did this class help you grow in most and explain how ?  

I think that this class would fit into collaboration because your working with your classmates while refreeing. Creativy and Critical thinking where also a big part of creating this project.

Spanish 4

During Spanish 4 this semester we learned about 11 famous people 14 famous places. We also read 24 articles about a variety of topics. These articles were often about news in the Spanish speaking world, but sometimes they were articles about world events.  In the beging of the semester I found it difficult to site read and interpert the important things within the articles. Now I think that I am able to spot out the main points within the articles. Which allows me to be able to rearrange the words so that it flows well and still follows the spanish rules . Before the semster my rearrange words was very bad and my sentences didn’t make a lot of sense. It helped me to make sense to translate it to english.  I prefired learning about the articles because a lot of the information within the articles was about things that I never heard about before. I think that the hardest part of the culture was reading in english and being able to write it in spanish in a way that still follows the rules. I am very happy that I can now read the articles and understand a lot of what is being talked about before we go over it in english.

Gov and Law


  1. First, we had to choose a case that we wanted to represent and then we did some research so that we could write the brief.
  2. What part of the process in creating did I feel the most success? I felt the most successful at the end because I felt that my partner and I did a very good job with the project and we spent a good amount of time making sure that we did it the right way.
  3. I think that the most difficult part of this project was the beginning. We didn’t really know how to start it so we were stuck for a while on how to start the brief.
  4. I think that this would go into collaboration and critical thinking because we had to work together so that we made a good brief and it took us some time to get it down because we really had to think about how to put the brief in a way where it sounds very professional.
  5. I think that this sets up how important teamwork is when it comes to creating something because I believe that we did a good job and I don’t think it would have been better if we each worked on a case by our selves.

Acids and it’s Unforeseen Products

In this lab, our group was assigned to mix chemicals and record the effects that mixing the to would have such as temperature, precipitate, and color. It used communication and Collaboration because we had to communicate what chemicals we were putting in so that we could follow the chart.  From the lab, I was able to distinguish the color chemicals first.  I think the lab shows my growth academically because I can now tell certain chemicals apart from others and why the names are the way they are. The first thing I went to test for was the most reactive chemicals to give me a good idea or find out right away what the chemical was. Next based on if it was a nonreactive a took all the nonreactive from that row and test all of those with other chemicals to find out the final product.