Accel Geometry 9A

Accel Geometry has been a very new experience for me with school. All of my years of math have been pretty easy for me, but this kind of math has made me put in a lot more time and effort into my work. Doing multiple mastery quizzes to prepare for the unit tests and finals have gone well for me this quarter. I try to get as much practice problems in before tests so I have experience with many different types of problems, and I think that is working well. One of the things that I could improve on is that I make sure I know what I am doing for every type of question and asking more questions when I don’t understand things. I am very proud of my midterm test score because I only got one wrong. I am proud of that because my score shows how much I studied and put in time to have that score on my midterm. I have learned that I really need to focus on making sure I understand all of the material that I will be tested on. For some unit tests that I have not done very well on, I have learned that asking questions about certain sections would have been really beneficial for my grade.

For next quarter, I will use my strategies of taking all of the mastery quizzes to get experience with many problems again. I found that it was very helpful for me to use as many resources to study with as possible, so I will do that as well in the next quarter. Things that I want to change moving forward, is making sure I ask questions if I don’t understand something, and having a better way to retake tests that I didn’t do very well on. I think this relates to the Profile of a Graduate 6 C’s because of Critical Thinking. I have used many critical thinking skills to create this artifact, like studying, test-taking, and completing math homework. This skills have helped me successfully create this artifact in Accel Geometry 9A.