Spanish 1A

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For my Spanish 9A artifact, I created Character Slides using Spanish only. My character slides were about important people in my life, and I described them using Spanish adjectives that I learned. The part of my artifact that I am most proud about is the fact that I was able to use only Spanish, besides the title, to complete the artifact. I am proud of that because about 2 months ago, I only knew simple words in Spanish, but now I am able to make complete sentences about important characters in my life. The most difficult part of creating this artifact was making sure that I had all of the grammar correct. Spanish grammar is a lot different than English grammar, so I had to make sure I put accents where they were needed, and didn’t mix up the placement of the adjective. This artifact connects to the Profile of a Graduate 6 C’s because of Character. The people that I wrote about in my slides all have positive characteristics about themselves that I try to have too. This project shows their character, but also mine because of why I chose to put them in my slides. My character is also showcased with how I made my slides simple, organized, and colorful, because I put a lot of work into projects. I plan to take this learning further into my life with Spanish classes and traveling to countries where people speak Spanish. I think I can take my basic understanding of Spanish grammar and spelling into later high school Spanish classes and/or college classes, and I want to travel to Spanish speaking countries so it will also be useful there!