Portrait of Lebanon

Project link

Describe the process of creating this artifact and the specific artifact.

The artifact was separated in different sections with information.

What part of the process in creating this artifact did you feel the most successful with? Use specific examples.

I completed it and I feel very proud of that.

What aspect of creating this artifact was most difficult for me? Use specific examples.

Probably just getting it done it wasn’t that hard just took time.

How does this artifact connect to at least one of the 6Cs in the profile of a graduate? Be specific in your connection.

Creativity because we had to make the project from scratch and try to make it look good.

How does this project connect you to the real world? Be specific in your response!

It is of Lebanon and that is a real place.

US History 10

  1. It was easy to create this artifact I made it in like 10 min.
  2. I think I did good on the speech because I knew about him and didn’t even use a note card.
  3. I didn’t like the reflection. It was harder than the project itself.
  4. This artifact ties under creativity because I had to be creative to make the poster and speech.
  5. I learned a lot about Armstrong and other EPIC Americans. They are the pioneers in humans and others will follow in their footsteps.

9b Math

What has gone well this quarter? What hasn’t?

For 3/4 of the quarter I worked well but after that I think I slacked and I probably could’ve gotten my topics done.

What are you proud of? Why?

I’m proud of the part that I worked because I almost got 9B done.

What have you learned about yourself this quarter (as it relates to Math/learning)?

If I buckle down and do the work if I focus.

What will you do the same next quarter? What will you try to change?

I will focus. And when stuff gets hard I will try getting my energy out and going back to my work.

What C or Cs do you feel this artifact represents? Explain.

I think this class is critical thinking because its hard at times but you power through it.