Film Analysis

Reflection Questions for Film: NAME:

Directions: Respond to the following questions in a MINIMUM of five sentences, referring to specifics from your writing/drafting.

  1. What did I do well? What aspect of my presentation am I proud of in this project?

I think I did a good job on picking well rounded topics of discussion. I got a good amount of info on all my slides. Also I covered everything on the rubric. I think I did a good job expressing my reaction to the movie. I included pictures on all my slides and made it look appealing. 


  1. What aspect of the project did I struggle with during the process? Why?

The main struggle was my ADHD but within the project was the Tom Hanks slide. It was hard because of the lack of info on his role. Also the citations were hard until I asked Mrs.Green to get me to purdue owl and that helped a lot. The quotes were difficult to find and use within my presentation. 


  1. What would I do differently if I could do it again? How would I change it?

I would have started working on the project sooner. I had some capitalization errors within my project. And I would have presented better, had more eye contact and spoke louder. I needed to to make my quotes fit better and would have added some better context to them. Also I would have made notes instead of just reading off my slides.


Student Feedback for films used in the course:

  1.       Over the course of the term, which of the films we watched was your favorite? Why?

I liked Saving Private Ryan a lot but for an in class film I liked Unforgiven. I really enjoyed the movie because it was really exciting and the final battle was really cool. I  liked the hard acting and the time it took place in and they didn’t have any fancy technology. I liked the makeup and how the cowboys actually looked how cowboys would look and they weren’t “pretty boys”. I liked how Clint Eastwood was so humble and loyal to his wife and kids. 


  1.       Which film was your least favorite? Why?

 I didn’t like the Wizard of Oz because it was old and there was no crazy action. First of all the music wasnt of my taste however she did have a good voice. It seemed like it was oriented towards a younger audience. And it was too unrealistic with all the colors and witches and wizards. The story in general was not holding my attention. I was not interested. 


  1.       Which of the film project titles might you consider watching over the winter or a break?

I would like to watch some more Clint Eastwood. I think he’s very talented and he even directs some of the movies he’s in. I really like his style, it’s really humble and cool. I didn’t know I liked westerns before this. I’ve actually really disliked them until now because I watched one when I was little and it wasn’t star wars so I didn’t like it. It kept my attention very well too. 


  1.       Recommend a film title that should be considered for a future run of Film Analysis.  Why should it be included in the course?

I think we’re missing Star Wars in our class. I would recommend episode 3 but episode 4 is the award winning original so you may have to show that one. I think this is a good movie to show because there’s lots of lore within Star Wars and some people may get hooked. It has a very famous soundtrack and you could use it to teach about that. And you could use it to explain framing and different kinds of shots.

Independent Math 10b2

  1. What aspect of my artifact am I most proud of? Use specific examples.

I am the most proud of almost finishing 2 classes I got one done but couldn’t finish the other one.

  1. What aspect of creating this artifact was most difficult for me? Use specific examples.

I think finishing the math was the hardest part at sometimes I was struggling to get 3 topics a day because of how hard they were.

  1. How does this artifact connect to the Profile of a Graduate?  Be specific in your connection (which of the 6 Cs).  Be sure to tag it in your portfolio.

This connects with critical thinking because at points in this class I had to think really hard.

  1. How do I plan to take this learning forward?  Or, What would I change (or keep the same) if I created this artifact again?

I would keep going on math the way I am and hopefully we dont go online again.

In this class we made up math that we didn’t have done. I thought I learned a pretty good amount in this class. I learned more critical thinking which is good for me because I dont think most of the time.

Science 11B

In this class we did a presentation about nuclear power and I probably learned the most within that presentation. Understanding nuclear power was probably the hardest part of this assignment I just used a video for mine to explain. It connects to the profile of a graduate in the critical thinking category because it was mostly hard thinking. I would have added more info if I did it again especially in the nuclear fission part of the assignment.


In post High School Planning we learned more about what post high school is like. In this assignment I had to make a presentation about what my life will look like after High School. I made a description of my job and what my day to day life will look like.

I think this assignment connected to citizenship because I wrote about my future life and such. My job is gonna help me succeed in society. I also think it relates to Career because its literally about my career.

Independent math #1

Q.What career or career field are you interested in?  Research your field and report on how math is important to you for your future and relates to the PoG Cs.

A. I am interested in a construction job specifically plumbing. I will need to know math very well because I will be dealing with the dimensions of rooms and pipelines. Also I will have to take measurements of different materials and sometimes I will have to calculate the measurements. Also completing more math will make me more competent to where I will know what im talking about so I dont seem like an idiot at work. I have done well in my math I think I will finish Math 10A this quarter.

Course Reflection:

      My reflection on independent math is very positive. I am proud of the fact that im about to get my 10A class done. The math was very hard and some topics towards the end are a lot harder than the ones in the beginning. This artifact connects with Critical thinking because the math is hard. I will definitely be using this skill in the future because I want to be a plumber when I grow up. – website we use

Physics 11

  1. What aspect of my artifact am I most proud of? Use specific examples.
    1. My rocket was aesthetically very cool and I am very proud of it. It had 3 fins which I thought looked nice. And we put dice in the top of the rocket so it would fly straighter so it didn’t hit the ground. 
  2. What aspect of creating this artifact was most difficult for me? Use specific examples.
    1. I thought the nose was the hardest part because we had to make it a cone so we needed two people. The dice was the weight in the cone so it could fly straight. The tape was placed around the nose to hold it steady.
  3. How does this artifact connect to the Profile of a Graduate? Be specific in your connection. (Question Stems)
    1. It relates to the Profile of a Graduate in the collaboration category because it was a very active moving class with partners. Every day I’d work with my buddies on the assignments. Even the slideshow I did with a partner. 
  4. How do I plan to take this learning forward? or What would I change if I created this artifact again?
    1. I think this class went very well. I will plan to use what I learned in the next physics class I take. If I had to recreate this artifact again I would have done it exactly the same.


1.What was your intention in the making of the work in terms of what you wanted to communicate to the viewer or to yourself?

I wanted to let everyone know that I like boxing.

2.What is being seen in the work’s content? Be as detailed and specific as you can in describing what you have included in the image.

  It is a pair of boxing gloves hanging one flipped the opposite direction of the other.

3.Explain your incorporation of the art elements and principles as they relate to the design concept of the work.

It looks more colorful with the art principles.

4.What personal decision-making did you engage in when making choices about what to include in the art form / subject matter? This might also reflect decisions having to deal with physical conditions that needed to be considered due to the nature of the work.

I tried to think of what I like and my first choice was motocross but that seemed way too hard so i changed my decision to boxing.

4.What process/technique/procedure did you use in the creation of your work? Discuss steps, materials and tools that you employed.

First I drew what I wanted and personally I wanted to draw it freehand so I did. Then I made the boxes and then painted. The materials I used were paper, pencil, paints, paint brush, and ruler. 

5.What did you become aware of while creating the object or after its completion, including connections to other experiences, art history, and the source(s) of your exploration as a part of the discovery process? 

I didn’t really but I did remember all the times that i’ve experienced boxing.

6.What was your favorite color scheme and why? 

I liked the warm color scheme because it was nice and bright and made me feel better than the darker color schemes.

Portrait of Lebanon

Project link

Describe the process of creating this artifact and the specific artifact.

The artifact was separated in different sections with information.

What part of the process in creating this artifact did you feel the most successful with? Use specific examples.

I completed it and I feel very proud of that.

What aspect of creating this artifact was most difficult for me? Use specific examples.

Probably just getting it done it wasn’t that hard just took time.

How does this artifact connect to at least one of the 6Cs in the profile of a graduate? Be specific in your connection.

Creativity because we had to make the project from scratch and try to make it look good.

How does this project connect you to the real world? Be specific in your response!

It is of Lebanon and that is a real place.

US History 10

  1. It was easy to create this artifact I made it in like 10 min.
  2. I think I did good on the speech because I knew about him and didn’t even use a note card.
  3. I didn’t like the reflection. It was harder than the project itself.
  4. This artifact ties under creativity because I had to be creative to make the poster and speech.
  5. I learned a lot about Armstrong and other EPIC Americans. They are the pioneers in humans and others will follow in their footsteps.

9b Math

What has gone well this quarter? What hasn’t?

For 3/4 of the quarter I worked well but after that I think I slacked and I probably could’ve gotten my topics done.

What are you proud of? Why?

I’m proud of the part that I worked because I almost got 9B done.

What have you learned about yourself this quarter (as it relates to Math/learning)?

If I buckle down and do the work if I focus.

What will you do the same next quarter? What will you try to change?

I will focus. And when stuff gets hard I will try getting my energy out and going back to my work.

What C or Cs do you feel this artifact represents? Explain.

I think this class is critical thinking because its hard at times but you power through it.