BiologyA Cell City Project

This is my “cell city” that my partner and I created. We decided not to make a city but instead make a house and use it to demonstrate all the characteristics of a cell. To create this we did some research and found a house that would be easy to make a replica of. We then put the house together with styrofoam and used it to represent the rooms of the house. We then labeled the house as their job in the cell.  This project connects to critical thinking and collaboration. I believe this because we worked with a partner and slip the work equally down the middle and combined our work to make the project. I think it is also critical thinking because we had to 1.) build a model house, with no instructions. That was not easy. 2.) We then had to take each major room of the house and correspond it with the function of a cell. That was difficult but we figured it out and it was good in the long run.

Some challenges we faced in this project is that we had to create a model with no idea what to do or no understanding of how to even make a house. After many fails and some frustration, we figured it out. Once we figured it out the house was pretty easy to complete. I think that we could have improved the house if we maybe watched a youtube video on how to put it together correctly. Then it probably wouldn’t have come out looking like what it looks like. What I learned that related to this project was how animal and plant cells work and what they consist of. We did a whole unit on cells and learned how they work.


Displaying B-Portfolio Upload - Cell Project (Nov 24, 2020 at 10:21 AM)

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