Post High School Planning

Future Life Plan Project

I liked how I did my final project because it used a part of the other projects that we’ve done over this quarter. I worked on this in class and at home. We had a meeting with Mr. Findlay before we finalized it, and I thought that helped because then I could change somethings to make it better. If I added anything more, I would add more about where I am going to live and what the lifestyle is like there. I could’ve also shortened my career slides so they don’t look so wordy. I kinda liked this presentation because it helped me get an idea of what I need to do to accomplish these goals in the future.

Algebra 2/Trig B

This quarter in math went ok for me. I did really good with my masteries, by getting all 4’s on them and retaking until I got what the unit was on. I prepped for tests by taking mastery and retention quizzes to make sure that I knew what I was doing. My test scores didn’t show up as well as I wanted them to be, but part of that is because of how they are scored. I think that the tests shouldn’t be graded like masteries because if you get 3 wrong you automatically get 75% which is a C instead of somewhere in the 85% range. The things that have been working for me are taking the quizzes during class so then I can check my answers and see what I need to fix for the next time. What hasn’t worked for me, is doing the homework packet at home because the answer key is online, but it doesn’t always go through the problem, and there isn’t anyone around me to ask for help. Prepping for the final is important for me because I want to do the best I can to improve my grade. I am going to complete the practice packet that we got to review and ask questions if I forgot how to do a unit.

Chemistry 11b

Lava Lamp Chemistry Demonstration 

The Lava Lamp demo was all about density. An example that the demo used was how to oil sat on top of the water because oil has a lower density than the water. I learned how Alka-Seltzer tablets react within the lava lamp. Alka-Seltzers release CO2 when it is combined with a liquid. I already knew how density works, but working on the lava lamp showed me how it works with everyday items. I think this demo helped me personally because I don’t like going up in front of the class all by myself and talking, but for this project, I had to so it made me less nervous for next time.  From my other classmate’s demos, I learned how different chemicals can affect everyday objects. 

First, I picked out a demo from a stack of ones that students have done in the past. I chose the lava lamp, and then I figured out what materials I would need to get for it. I went to the store and bought Alka-Seltzer tablets because I didn’t have them, and the rest of the items I already had. Next, I practiced at home about 3 different times and I presented it to my mom, just like I would to the class. Lastly, I made a slideshow to go with the demo. Some challenges I faced were how many Alka-Seltzer tablets to put in the bottle so that it would perform the best. I figured out how many tablets were best, by practicing multiple times and adding more each time. If I wanted to improve this demo, I would probably use a bigger bottle to show it off better. I don’t really have questions about this demo, just because it was pretty much self-explanatory and I learned how it all works together to form a lava lamp.