Clay and Beyond Q2

My reflection is on my sgraffito clay project. The part I am most proud of for this assignment is how I was able to make the clay even and circular. I didn’t think I could make the circles perfect for my coasters, but it went very well. I liked the look of the glaze before firing for once because I think the outcome of the project will turn out to be nice. The most difficult part of this project was definitely getting the 4 coasters to stay evenly circled and leveled. It was really hard to get them into a perfect circle shape, but in the end I got them pretty even. Another hard part about this assignment was getting the glaze even on all of the coasters in order for them to have a similar look when drying and getting ready to fire. This assignment definitely connects with creativity in the 6 c’s because I had to plan out what I would make and how it would look. I had to plan out what my project would look like and how I would design my different coasters. I also had to think about the designs that would go on the 4 coasters. I can use this knowledge after this class in case I take an art class in college and work with clay. I am going to college for graphic design and some of the required classes to graduate involve at least one clay class, so I can use what I learned here and apply it there.

Statistics Q2

This quarter I thought went better than the first quarter of statistics. I took more time to study before tests and I would practice before taking the retention quizzes. The most difficult part of this quarter was unit F, because I thought it was a harder unit. If I could change anything about this quarter, it would be to focus on that unit more and try to get a better score. Statistics connects with critical thinking because you have to learn how to make confidence intervals and learn which equations to find your data. I had to use critical thinking also when taking the retention quizzes because I have to think about what we did during the lessons before. Moving forward I am going to use these skills in my college math classes and if I take statistics in college, I can use it in there. If I ever get a job in business, I will use statistics all the time and I will now know the skills to apply during the class.

Gov/Law Q1-2

This artifact is part of an assignment I had to create and present in my government and law class. For this assignment I had to research an ongoing court case that is all the way up in the supreme court. My court case was the Department of Justice vs. the House Committee of Judiciary. In order to complete this assignment I had to spend about a week researching everything about this case and who was all on it. I took the side of the Department of Justice, so I had to find the facts and points on their side of the case.

I feel like the most successful part of this assignment was how I researched my side. I thought it was going to be really hard to find the case points in this trial, but it was actually easier than I thought. I think I found my data really well and when writing my case paper on it, it went better than I thought it would. Presenting also went very well when I was reading off which case points because I successfully completed my research before hand. I used my strongest points in the case when presenting to help sway people to my side of the trial.

The most difficult part of this project was presenting to the class. I am not a very good presenter so I was really nervous to present my side of the case properly. Having all of the facts and points down before presenting really helped me because then I was fully prepared to present. I thought that I presented better than I thought I would, but I still think it was the hardest thing about this project for me. It was also a little different presenting because I was online presenting and my partner was in person, so it was hard to cover questions when the class asked.

This definitely connects with the critical thinking category because you have to research your topics. When I was researching I had to use multiple sites because even just 4 sites didn’t have all of the information for this case. Critical thinking is key for this project because you have to think of different ways that you are going to present your case to the class. You need to find a way to persuade your audience into picking your side of the trial. I also had to use communication as a 6 c’s because in order to complete this assignment I had to present it in front of my class.

This assignment connects with the outside world because it is a real life case that is happening right now. It is still in session and the supreme court is currently working on it so I will get to see the real outcome after. I can also connect with the outside world because if I ever go watch a court case I can see all of this play out in real life. I want to go to trials and see how they do them in real life because I think it would be fun to see what they do and compare it to what I have learned in this class.

Court case doc

Band Q 1&2

I chose to reflect on my week 14 online assignment. I chose this assignment because I know how to count math and number values through 6/8 time. This assignment taught me how to count correctly in 6/8 time. It also showed me how to in 6/8 times with different types of notes that we play in class. The most challenging part was figuring which notes would take a certain value, like a 1/2 or a full 1. This assignment definitely goes under the critical thinking category in the 6 C’s. In order to do this assignment you have to think harder because you need to know both the math and number value of each note. One way I can use this knowledge is by applying it to when we play in the classroom. We go over it in class and it helps to know in the future how to play a certain piece of music. I can also use this after high school when I am at home playing for fun.

Week 14 Assignment Slides 

Food and Nutrition Q2

Through this quarter the I am most proud of how I could plan out a cooking lessons. Before we started cooking, we planned out everything like how much of each ingredient we would need. At home i’m use to just putting things together and not planning every single thing out. But cooking through this class showed me how much easier and faster it is to cook when you have everything laid out before you start cooking. It helps to know everything is there and ready before you start cooking.

The most difficult aspect of cooking this quarter was definitely the hybrid schedule. We weren’t able to cook everyday and some weeks we had to cook on our own, but it was weird since we weren’t in class in person. The hybrid schedule made it hard for us to cook with each other sometimes because we weren’t right there in the classroom, instead we were on a camera through our computers. I think this was the most difficult part because we didn’t have a lot of talking and going through our recipes, unlike in person when everyone is talking about their cooking.

This artifact connects through the profile of a graduate by allowing us to communicate and collaborate with others. In the kitchen it is required to have good communication skills to cook and make sure everyone is following along with what we are cooking. I had to work with others while in our kitchen space so that we could get the recipes done without making any mistakes along the way. Connecting to profile of a graduate through communication was the biggest part of this class because we always needed to stay up to date with what is happening in groups while cooking.

I will use my knowledge from this class moving forward by cooking at home more. I already cook a lot at home and I like to cook with other too. After you move out of the house and start to live on your own, you need to know how to cook. If you don’t know how to cook then it can be difficult to learn on your own at first. Having cooking knowledge allows you to move on in the world to be more independent and you can explore new recipes on your own.

  (peanut butter and chocolate bites)

Statistics Q1

One of my statistics projects was asking 37 other students in the high school about their summer activities during Covid-19. We presented 4 of the questions to my class and showed them the results. I made a slides page with the 4 questions and the pie charts to go with it. My group members and I also added the percentages and pictures to go with the charts, so that it was easier to read and understand them. I enjoyed creating this with a group because we could decide which questions we would as together. One thing I would change for next time is to send the survey out to more people and see if the results could change a lot or just by a little bit. This goes under the collaboration and communication categories because I worked with a team of 3 others to create this project. I also communicated with the people who we wanted to take this survey for our results to come back.

Digital Productions Q1

This class we had to create a short film around 5 minutes. I was in a group with 2 other people, and we decided to create a short film about a murder mystery. This artifact I am most proud of how we were able to create a film while having limits with Covid-19. I am also proud of how we were able to create edits while at home on the days we were in class online. This is because edits can be hard when you are not together, but we found a way to make it work. I think the most difficult parts of this project was finding the right angles to shoot at when filming. We had to create certain angles and that would mean standing or sitting in a weird position in order to get that specific scene look. This definitely goes with creativity because we had to create our own story line, plot, script, props, camera angles, and edits. When we were first making the script we had a ton of different ideas, but in the end we figured out how to put them all together. If I had to change anything it would be the filming location. We could only film in certain rooms in the school because of the Covid-19 restrictions. But overall I thought this project turned out really good.

(I will put my short film link in here after we finish editing it)

Sociology Q1

For this class I had to create a socially odd behavior around someone and record it. I chose to sit next to someone on a bench, but instead of keeping a distance like people normally do I sat right next to them. I needed to see what their reaction was from this socially odd video. Another thing was in the video they even looked back almost like they were thinking ‘what just happened.’ I felt successful when making them uncomfortable because you can see their reaction in the video how they make a weird look at me. I think the most difficult part of this project was deciding what to do. I didn’t really have any idea what to do but then I though of this one. It connects with character because it shows how people react when you do something that is socially odd.

Here is my socially odd report:

The date is October 25th, 2020 and this is my socially odd journal entry. My intended target for this behavior was for any strangers sitting on a bench along a path not noticing others around them. I was running on a path and saw someone sitting at a picnic table, right off of the path, minding their own business. I went up to the table and sat right next to them and took a drink of water. There was plenty of room for me to sit, even on the opposite side of the table, but I chose to sit right next to them. After I took a sip of water, I got up and continued my run. This is considered socially odd because when an entire table is open, usually people tend to sit in the farthest spot possible from the others at that table. If you sit right next to someone, they usually get uncomfortable with you being so close as a stranger. When I sat next to the person, they looked up at me while I was taking a drink of my water. They gave a little look like ‘why are you sitting right next to me’ and then looked back at their phone without saying anything. When I got up to leave, they looked back a bit and looked confused as to why I just sat right next to them and left. I expected them to give some kind of look, whether it was at me or looking around like most people do when they encounter an awkward situation. 

I think anyone who does something like this will feel awkward, but that is the whole point of this lesson. We don’t like to do things that would embarrass ourselves because we tend to remember those moments and think ‘why would I ever do that’. The most interesting part of this experiment was seeing everyone’s reaction to what someone did. I don’t think I would do something like this again just because I felt awkward too and I normally don’t just go up to strangers. If I was with a group of friends and we did something socially awkward, then I might do it again just because there are more people around. 

Video link:

Post High School Planning

Future Life Plan Project

I liked how I did my final project because it used a part of the other projects that we’ve done over this quarter. I worked on this in class and at home. We had a meeting with Mr. Findlay before we finalized it, and I thought that helped because then I could change somethings to make it better. If I added anything more, I would add more about where I am going to live and what the lifestyle is like there. I could’ve also shortened my career slides so they don’t look so wordy. I kinda liked this presentation because it helped me get an idea of what I need to do to accomplish these goals in the future.

Algebra 2/Trig B

This quarter in math went ok for me. I did really good with my masteries, by getting all 4’s on them and retaking until I got what the unit was on. I prepped for tests by taking mastery and retention quizzes to make sure that I knew what I was doing. My test scores didn’t show up as well as I wanted them to be, but part of that is because of how they are scored. I think that the tests shouldn’t be graded like masteries because if you get 3 wrong you automatically get 75% which is a C instead of somewhere in the 85% range. The things that have been working for me are taking the quizzes during class so then I can check my answers and see what I need to fix for the next time. What hasn’t worked for me, is doing the homework packet at home because the answer key is online, but it doesn’t always go through the problem, and there isn’t anyone around me to ask for help. Prepping for the final is important for me because I want to do the best I can to improve my grade. I am going to complete the practice packet that we got to review and ask questions if I forgot how to do a unit.