Spanish Video to 3rd Graders

Because the video was created to teach third-graders, we spent a significant amount of time brainstorming how to be both educational and fun. We found it pretty difficult to do this, and we had to make some sacrifices in the production to maintain the deadline. If we were to do it again, we would include more pictures and possibly additional footage, but we are happy with our final product and hope that you enjoy it too!

Spanish 2A Family Tree

I’m proud that I melded my school work and pastimes together into one project. It was pretty difficult to start creating my family tree, but once I got the inspiration, it was easy to complete. While I won’t necessarily take the specific project forward, I will take what I learned from it. The creativity of molding my pastimes and school work will impact how I work in college, at which I will aspire to enjoy for what I am paying.

Sample Post – Creative Repurposing

In my 8th grade FACS class, I had the opportunity to help make the world a better place by upcycling items that might have ended up in our landfills.   Instead, I was able to upcycle pallet boards into a beautiful new table.  My team and I spent a lot of time determining what color we would have the table.  My dad, helped us put it together.  We had some challenges with the staining and had to redo a section because it go too tacky. We needed a smooth finish.  We also wanted to stage the table so that it would look nice and we would market it to potential buyers.

Below is a video of our journey.  Throughout this process, we hit a number of the POG C’s.  We had to collaborate together to build, stain, and stage a table that was going to be sold to potential buyers.  We used communication skills to share and listen to each other’s ideas and determine our final product. We also had to use communication skills to showcase our piece to an audience.  We enjoyed the opportunity to be creative and have a choice in what we would produce and our ideas would be seen and potentially bought by people in the real world.  We had challenges along the way and had to think critically on how to resolve those challenges.  And finally, I believe the artifact below showcases an element of citizenship – as we are trying to repurpose items and keep them out of our landfill.