Human Geography – PON 4 Project Reflection


  • Describe the process of creating this artifact and the specific artifact.
  • What part of the process in creating this artifact did you feel the most success with? Use specific examples.
  • What aspect of creating this artifact was most difficult for me? Use specific examples.
  • How does this artifact connect to at least one of the 6Cs in the Profile of a Graduate? Be specific in your connection.
  • How does this project connect you to the real world? Be specific in your response! How does this project connect you to the real world? Be specific in your response.



  1. There were many steps I had to go through while completing my PON Part 4 project. For this project, we had a few different options in what we wanted to create, and I chose to create a traditional dish from my country, Canada. I decided to make a traditional treat called Nanaimo Bars, and I went to work. I researched a recipe and drove to the store to buy all of the ingredients needed. Once I got home, I followed the recipe and made the bars. When the bars were finished cooling, my family along with myself, were able to try them and they were very good! After we were done eating our little treat, I finished up the assignment by creating a google slides presentation and answered all of the required questions. 
  2. I feel that the part of this project I felt the most success in was actually making the bars. I am not the best cook/baker, so I was not sure how these bars were going to turn out, especially because I had never made them before, but I was very impressed with how they looked and tasted.
  3. Although I was very proud of how successful the bars turned out, it was also the aspect of this project that was the most difficult for me. Like I said before, I do not bake very often, so I would say that this was the aspect of the project that I found the most challenging. 
  4. In my opinion, the PON Part 4 project connects to both Creativity and Critical Thinking out of the 6 C’s. I think that this project connects to Creativity because you had to be creative in choosing what option for the project you wanted to create, and in my case, I also had to be creative when picking what to bake for my traditional food. I also think it connects to Critical Thinking because while writing the summary paragraph, I had to think critically as to how it connects to the questions asked, and how my learning of making this food connects to other learning from the class.

PON Part 4 Project Artifact: