Chaperoning the Middle School Dance

During third quarter, I had the opportunity to help chaperone the Middle School Dance being put on by Post Prom Committee. I was able to chaperone with some of my closest friends. Some DJ’d and the others and I got the kids excited, dancing, and having a good time. While it was a blast for the middle school students, my friends and I had a blast as well! I decided to write about this as my entry for quarter 3 because it connects to the C that is character. My friends and I did not have to spend our Friday night at the middle school watching students and making them behave, however, we did because we wanted to connect with those younger age groups that will soon be the students of our high school. We wanted to set a good example for those kids by having fun and still behaving and being safe. We made so many great connections with a ton of the students and were able to all have a great time together. This event helped me to grow more outside of my comfort zone by bonding with those younger age groups. The most challenging part of the night was just making sure students were behaving and telling them to be respectful without coming off too harsh. Through that experience though, I was able to learn how to approach and talk to more students as well as help them to calm down and have a safe and fun night. Overall, this was a really fun night and I was able to learn a lot about our future generations of high school students!


Below is a picture of my friends and I with some of the middle school students!