Spanish 1B – Costa Rica Video Reflection

For this project, my group and I did research on the country of Costa Rica. We learned about their culture and the typical meals they eat. After we did our research, we created a video (partially in Spanish) portraying what we have learned about this country.


When it comes to this project, I am most proud of how I was able to translate sentences in English to sentences in Spanish. It really showed me how far I have come over this semester. I went from knowing nothing in Spanish to be able to present partially in Spanish. While this was something that I was extremely proud of, it was also very difficult for me. It is hard for me to memorize things, especially when it is a new language with rules of grammar. I had to refer to my packet many times to make sure I was spelling, saying and conjugating things correctly, along with having the right gender for the word. It is a lot to remember and practice but I have come very far. 

My project connects to Profile of a Graduate through Critical thinking. I had to think very critically while writing my slides and speaking parts. I had to think about all of the grammar tricks and spelling and much more. I plan to take this learning forward in my future job. As of right now, I am considering a job in the medical field. I want to make sure that I am able to communicate with all of my patients because I believe that I will be more successful which will help my patient tremendously. Overall, this project was very fun to do because I got the chance to learn about a new country and their culture and what their typical meals are. I also got the opportunity to see my progress from the beginning of the school year to now.