Future Career

The future career that I am currently interested in is physical therapy. Physical therapists treat patients to relieve their pain and increase their strength and mobility, as well as care for patients with injuries or illnesses. They work with their patients to create exercises and a plan of action to return back to health.

Physical Therapy - The Doctors Clinic

High Five Results and how they apply to PT:

  1. Optimist – PT’s have to be optimistic while dealing with their patients, it is important to look for the positives towards your future and your patient’s future.
  2. Winner – As a PT and patient, it is good to have a competitive and winning mentality. This will create a faster recovery as you and your patient will be eager to get back to health, and their sport or everyday activity that their injury/illness was preventing them from.
  3. Self-believer – In any career, it is important to believe in yourself and your abilities. Confidence is a key part of success.
  4. Brainstormer – As a PT, it is very important to be a brainstormer to create treatment plans as well as exercises for your patient.
  5. Chameleon – Chameleons are ones who adapt to change. This applies to PT because nothing is certain when it comes to injuries or illnesses. There are steps back and leaps forward all the times, and the ability to adapt to changes within the recovery process is extremely important.

Job Board Assignment:

Possible Back-Up Plan:

My possible back-up plan would be to become an Athletic Trainer.

Why will the career of Physical Therapy keep you happy?

This career would keep me happy because I would get to help others, and see improvement in my patients, which would lead back to their health. I would help my patients get back to doing the things they love the most.