Decision Post-High School

I do not have a plan 100% set in stone however, I have a good general idea of what my life after high school will look like.

1 Year Out:

  • Attend a 4-year college to receive my bachelor’s degree, and get accepted into a physical therapy program
  • I will be living on campus (paid by parents)
  • Being in college, my schedule will have changed, depending on my classes and what times they are at. I will hopefully also be playing a sport in college (practice, lifting..etc.)

5 Years Out:

  • I will have earned my bachelor’s degree, and be working towards graduating from my physical therapy program
  • I will be living in an apartment (have a side job to help pay rent) (no debt from college/paid off)
  • My schedule will have changed by this time again and possibly become busier as I am now beginning the steps of my career as a physical therapist

10 Years Out:

  • By this time I will be married and have a family. I will also be pursuing my job every day as a physical therapist
  • I will be living in a house with my family and will be making possibly around 90k
  • My schedule will have changed tremendously as now I have a family that I will need to take care of, as well as a job as a physical therapist to take care of patients